
A power-packed online program
to help you break down what parenting's really about -
without making you feel inadequate or overwhelmed.

We get it! 
​We’ve been there.

We’re Heather Juergensen and Eric Maisel - two mental health researchers, writers and coaches who are also parents.  We got together to figure out why kids seem to be in so much distress today… and what parents can do about it. 

Look, we’re parents,
just like you…

But when we took the time to talk to the most thoughtful, experienced, child-focused experts we could find, and heard what they had to say not only about the real dangers facing our kids, but what we can do about them...


We were blown away.


And we knew we had to get this information into the hands of as many parents as possible.


Heather Juergensen is a filmmaker and mental health advocate who has spent the last five years on a mission to unlock the secrets of good mental health.  Through her website The Strong Mind and on platforms like Mad in America, she has interviewed dozens of mental health experts, distilling esoteric psychological and medical ideas into a language and format that’s easy for everyone to understand and benefit from.  In addition to educating people online, Heather maintains a coaching practice in Los Angeles, where she helps her clients better understand the deeper root causes of their psychological ailments like anxiety and depression.  She’s a mom to two daughters, aged 6 and 12. 

Eric Maisel, PhD is a long-time life coach and retired family therapist.  One of America’s best-known creativity coaches, he’s worked with thousands of people to help them become more creative not only in their work and art, but also in how they relate to their family and their own deepest selves.  A thought leader in the critical psychology movement, he’s the author of over 50 books, including Rethinking Depression and Overcoming Your Difficult Family.  In his private practice, he helps his clients discover what’s most important and meaningful to them, so they can become more energized, directed and creative.  He’s a father of three grown kids and a grandfather to five.


"With characteristic clarity, Dr. Eric Maisel lays out an approach to family difficulties that cuts through the surface tension to reach the compassionate core of human relationships… grounded in current research and his own clinical experience.”

Dr. Dale McGowan

“Heather, I just wanted to convey how lucky I feel for myself and more importantly for my daughter to have crossed paths with you.  You have opened my daughter’s mind to ideas, feelings, and questions that are consequential and are impacting her with a far-reaching vision of what can be.  ‘Thank you’ seems so small an expression.” 

Theresa M, client 

"With gentle humor and compassion, Eric Maisel acts as a wise friend, offering specific tools for navigating the roughest of family seas. He even helps you calm the waters!”

— Judith Schlesinger, PhD

“Heather, I am so grateful for your help and advice.  My son is doing a lot better – the process you recommended has lifted his spirits and fingers crossed, he is on the road to healing.  He continues to see his therapist and is almost back to his normal self. As for me, you inspired me to launch my own business and I am having fun learning and exploring. My deep gratitude to you!" 

— Eva S, client


Look at everything you get inside the program! 

If you’re not 100% satisfied with the course, or the extras within 7 days, we will offer you a full refund, for any reason.

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